NDC. Conclusions


Conference is over, plane is waiting (well, not really, it is me who is patiently waiting in the airport writing irrelevant blog posts) and it is time to wrap-up thoughts that I did not know where to place.

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NDC 2010. Day 3


Last day of the conference did not start well at all.
I expected to attend a session on Design by Contract (a topic that interests me a lot as I am myself preparing a talk about the subject) but, unfortunately, the speaker was late to the talk. I do not want to take any gratuitous guesses about the reasons for being late. Maybe it was a most legitimate reason (and then the organization should have communicated the audience, which they did not, at least, before the time I left when the session was due), maybe it wasn’t.
Anyway, for me, being late for a session with no warning is a big no-no, so I left the room mildly upset towards…

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Configuration Weirdness


The other day I had an issue with a custom configuration section I would like to talk you about.
My take on configuration is stick as much as possible with .settings configuration until collections, nested elements or some other advance technique is needed. It does not happen often that I need a custom section, though. 
My requirements were very simple: a custom configuration element with a mandatory string attribute that must be non-empty.

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